Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Take Responsibility

So I am not necessarily going to be sharing a lot of information in this blog, mostly just my opinions; hopefully that doesn't scare you all off. As a massage therapist I meet a lot of people who are at the end of their search to find pain relief and a better quality of life. Often they have tried many other avenues offered by western medicine and haven't had any (or very little) luck. Some have even tried other alternative forms of medicine like acupuncture but are still lacking something. The people who make it to me are the few. I know that there are countless multitudes who suffer in pain and poor health because they trust so completely in what their doctor says. If their doctor says there is no other choice but surgery, or such and such procedure, or this medication with all those side-effects, then that's the way it is.

Now I want everyone to hear me when I say that there are a lot of really great doctors, nurses and health care providers out there. I know many personally and have the highest respect for them. However, in my experience there are more poor doctors practicing bad medicine than there are good ones. Maybe that is because they are lazy, or tired, or in it for the money, or just don't know any better. No matter how it comes about there is no excuse for practicing bad, dishonest, or ignorant medicine.

I am pleased to say that more and more I am hearing about doctors who are encouraging their patients to seek alternative forms of care before resorting to drastic surgeries or unnecessary procedures. But everyone needs to be aware of this one simple fact: Doctors are only humans. They are not omniscient and are fallible like all the rest of us no matter how much they may pretend otherwise. So here is what we all need to do:

Take responsibility for your own health! So often I see people behaving foolishly when it comes to their health. If you were going to go buy a new (or used) car how much research would you do? Would you trust everything that comes out of the dealers mouth as the absolute truth? Would you assume that his only agenda was to give you a fantastic deal on a great car? The answer to all of these questions is probably "no". So that begs another question: why would you put more effort towards a new car than towards your health?

The same things that you assume about cars and dealers you should assume about your health and doctors. Do research. If you are sick, look your symptoms up on Webmd.com or some other website. Even if you are planning to see a doctor about your sickness, it's still a good idea to go into the office prepared. Many times doctors and nurses don't really listen well. I'm not exactly sure why this is, I mean you'd think they would realize that we are more familiar with our bodies than they are, but whatever. However, just like with dealers, if you show you are informed and prepared they are more likely to take what you say seriously. That said, if your regular doctor (not just a walk-in clinic or ER doctor) isn't listening to what you have to say, find a new one.

Don't assume that your doctor is telling you the entire truth either. Not to say that your doctor would lie to you (although some might), but I have found that often doctors and nurses will simply withhold information - whether that's because they think we mere mortals can't understand or can't handle it remains to be seen. But I have seen many cases where doctors will withhold information about the risks involved in a procedure or deny their patients information about alternative treatment options (like massage or physical therapy). This is unacceptably bad medicine. The reasons for this lead into the "agenda" part of buying a car. Many doctors push certain surgeries or procedures or medications because...they make money on them! They say money makes the world go round and in the medical world this is definitely the case. Sad but true.

All of this is why it is so important place the responsibility for your own health firmly in your own hands. No one else's.

You have a right to demand proper healthcare and treatment. Your doctor is there to help and serve you. You are actually paying them to do that you know. If they aren't doing that, get another doctor. Once again, your doctor should be listening to you. They are there for you, not the other way around.

I have a good friend whom some of you may know that was diagnosed with Crohn's disease several years ago. Through the long process of testing trying to come up with that diagnosis my friend did some of his own research. He found that with all of his symptoms he could only have one of two things, one of which was Crohn's. He went to his doctor and told him what he had found. His doctor ignored him. It was some time before they finally came to that diagnosis and in that time my friend got incredibly sick and was almost permanently damaged because of his doctor's inability to listen. I give my friend props for taking the time to do his own research. What he didn't realize was that he had a right to demand that test of his doctor.

I have seen so many of my friends and clients (especially younger people and the elderly) be put off by their doctor because they didn't have the cajones to stand up for what they needed or felt was right. They allowed the authority supposedly inherent in the title "doctor" to keep them from proper care. If your car dealer said "I know you really want a red car but trust me, blue is really much better" and on and on, and then went and drew up the papers to sign, would you? Would you buy a blue car when what you really wanted was a red one? Doctors do the same thing to their patients all the time and people just go with it. DON'T! Stop any of that right now. Your health is your responsibility! There are lots of doctors out there. If yours isn't doing what you need or want then keep searching until you find one that will.

Do your research. Don't assume that you are getting the whole truth from your doctor or that they don't have an agenda. Stand up for yourself and your health. You only get one life (though I suppose some people might disagree with that). Make the most of it by taking care of your body. Do that by taking responsibility for your own health.

Now you know.


  1. Yes! I totally hear you on this.
    I recently read an interesting essay about the healthcare industry. When I find it again I'll send it to you!
    Also, did you know that some drug companies will pay doctors to prescribe their drugs?
    How is that ok, I wonder?


    1. Actually I think almost all doctors get some sort of kick-back from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their drugs. It's just the way the system works. Why do you think the first thing your doctor does is give you some sort of medication? And I would love to read that essay.

  2. APPLAUSE!! Scratch that. STANDING OVATION!! Sometimes I wish I could scream this from the rooftops. It honestly saddens me so much that people don't realize that their doctors work for them. Don't like your doc? Ditch him or her. Don't like western medicine at all? Screw it altogether and find something better. There are so many wonderful options out there. If you take responsibility and just a little time doing your research, I guarantee you that you can find better health than you would be able to find by just putting your blind faith in an MD.

    *steps down from soap box.* LOL!

    1. Exactly. I think if people really understood how this system works they would definitely take more responsibility for their own health. That's what this blog is all about. Trying to get the information in the people's hands.
