So I am continuing my series on essential vitamins and nutrients. This week it is Vitamin B1 also known as Thiamine. A lot of times you will see a B-complex supplement which usually contains all the B vitamins. But I am going to break each one down as they actually are separate nutrients.
What is it and where can I get it?
Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin. It is found in highest concentrations in yeast, yeast extract, pork and organ meats. Most commonly people get Thiamine into their diets through grains, specifically cereal. It is found mostly in the outer layers of the grain however, so as wheat and other grains are processed they lose most of the Thiamine. This is the reason for "enriched" flour. Food manufacturers will manually add Thiamine and other B-complex vitamins to replace some of what is lost in processing. Wheat, oatmeal, flax, whole grain rye, brown rice, sunflower seeds, kale, asparagus, cauliflower, potatoes, oranges, and eggs all contain higher levels of Thiamine.
Why does it matter?
Thiamine is essential to the cellular and metabolic processes of the nervous system, the heart, the blood cells and the muscles. It is also a part of the body's synthesis of two different neurotransmitters.
Thiamine deficiency can lead to a general feeling of malaise, weight loss, irritability and confusion, and would effect all the body's organs but the heart and nervous systems the most. Deficiency can have detrimental neurological effects if not a part of a person's diet for too long and can be fatal. Hence the term "essential". It is sometimes called an anti-stress vitamin because of its supposed ability to strengthen the immune system and help the body withstand stressful conditions.
How much do I need?
Because Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin any excess is processed through the kidneys and passed out of the body. The body does not store Thiamine at all. The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for adults is 1.1 to 1.2 mg of Thiamine, 1.4 mg for pregnant or breastfeeding women. A daily does of 50-100 mg is often taken as a supplement, obviously much higher than the daily allowance but acceptable because the body doesn't store any excess so there is no chance of overdosing.
So there is your first of the B-complex vitamins Thiamin!
And now you know.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Take Responsibility
So I am not necessarily going to be sharing a lot of information in this blog, mostly just my opinions; hopefully that doesn't scare you all off. As a massage therapist I meet a lot of people who are at the end of their search to find pain relief and a better quality of life. Often they have tried many other avenues offered by western medicine and haven't had any (or very little) luck. Some have even tried other alternative forms of medicine like acupuncture but are still lacking something. The people who make it to me are the few. I know that there are countless multitudes who suffer in pain and poor health because they trust so completely in what their doctor says. If their doctor says there is no other choice but surgery, or such and such procedure, or this medication with all those side-effects, then that's the way it is.
Now I want everyone to hear me when I say that there are a lot of really great doctors, nurses and health care providers out there. I know many personally and have the highest respect for them. However, in my experience there are more poor doctors practicing bad medicine than there are good ones. Maybe that is because they are lazy, or tired, or in it for the money, or just don't know any better. No matter how it comes about there is no excuse for practicing bad, dishonest, or ignorant medicine.
I am pleased to say that more and more I am hearing about doctors who are encouraging their patients to seek alternative forms of care before resorting to drastic surgeries or unnecessary procedures. But everyone needs to be aware of this one simple fact: Doctors are only humans. They are not omniscient and are fallible like all the rest of us no matter how much they may pretend otherwise. So here is what we all need to do:
Take responsibility for your own health! So often I see people behaving foolishly when it comes to their health. If you were going to go buy a new (or used) car how much research would you do? Would you trust everything that comes out of the dealers mouth as the absolute truth? Would you assume that his only agenda was to give you a fantastic deal on a great car? The answer to all of these questions is probably "no". So that begs another question: why would you put more effort towards a new car than towards your health?
The same things that you assume about cars and dealers you should assume about your health and doctors. Do research. If you are sick, look your symptoms up on or some other website. Even if you are planning to see a doctor about your sickness, it's still a good idea to go into the office prepared. Many times doctors and nurses don't really listen well. I'm not exactly sure why this is, I mean you'd think they would realize that we are more familiar with our bodies than they are, but whatever. However, just like with dealers, if you show you are informed and prepared they are more likely to take what you say seriously. That said, if your regular doctor (not just a walk-in clinic or ER doctor) isn't listening to what you have to say, find a new one.
Don't assume that your doctor is telling you the entire truth either. Not to say that your doctor would lie to you (although some might), but I have found that often doctors and nurses will simply withhold information - whether that's because they think we mere mortals can't understand or can't handle it remains to be seen. But I have seen many cases where doctors will withhold information about the risks involved in a procedure or deny their patients information about alternative treatment options (like massage or physical therapy). This is unacceptably bad medicine. The reasons for this lead into the "agenda" part of buying a car. Many doctors push certain surgeries or procedures or medications because...they make money on them! They say money makes the world go round and in the medical world this is definitely the case. Sad but true.
All of this is why it is so important place the responsibility for your own health firmly in your own hands. No one else's.
You have a right to demand proper healthcare and treatment. Your doctor is there to help and serve you. You are actually paying them to do that you know. If they aren't doing that, get another doctor. Once again, your doctor should be listening to you. They are there for you, not the other way around.
I have a good friend whom some of you may know that was diagnosed with Crohn's disease several years ago. Through the long process of testing trying to come up with that diagnosis my friend did some of his own research. He found that with all of his symptoms he could only have one of two things, one of which was Crohn's. He went to his doctor and told him what he had found. His doctor ignored him. It was some time before they finally came to that diagnosis and in that time my friend got incredibly sick and was almost permanently damaged because of his doctor's inability to listen. I give my friend props for taking the time to do his own research. What he didn't realize was that he had a right to demand that test of his doctor.
I have seen so many of my friends and clients (especially younger people and the elderly) be put off by their doctor because they didn't have the cajones to stand up for what they needed or felt was right. They allowed the authority supposedly inherent in the title "doctor" to keep them from proper care. If your car dealer said "I know you really want a red car but trust me, blue is really much better" and on and on, and then went and drew up the papers to sign, would you? Would you buy a blue car when what you really wanted was a red one? Doctors do the same thing to their patients all the time and people just go with it. DON'T! Stop any of that right now. Your health is your responsibility! There are lots of doctors out there. If yours isn't doing what you need or want then keep searching until you find one that will.
Do your research. Don't assume that you are getting the whole truth from your doctor or that they don't have an agenda. Stand up for yourself and your health. You only get one life (though I suppose some people might disagree with that). Make the most of it by taking care of your body. Do that by taking responsibility for your own health.
Now you know.
Now I want everyone to hear me when I say that there are a lot of really great doctors, nurses and health care providers out there. I know many personally and have the highest respect for them. However, in my experience there are more poor doctors practicing bad medicine than there are good ones. Maybe that is because they are lazy, or tired, or in it for the money, or just don't know any better. No matter how it comes about there is no excuse for practicing bad, dishonest, or ignorant medicine.
I am pleased to say that more and more I am hearing about doctors who are encouraging their patients to seek alternative forms of care before resorting to drastic surgeries or unnecessary procedures. But everyone needs to be aware of this one simple fact: Doctors are only humans. They are not omniscient and are fallible like all the rest of us no matter how much they may pretend otherwise. So here is what we all need to do:
Take responsibility for your own health! So often I see people behaving foolishly when it comes to their health. If you were going to go buy a new (or used) car how much research would you do? Would you trust everything that comes out of the dealers mouth as the absolute truth? Would you assume that his only agenda was to give you a fantastic deal on a great car? The answer to all of these questions is probably "no". So that begs another question: why would you put more effort towards a new car than towards your health?
The same things that you assume about cars and dealers you should assume about your health and doctors. Do research. If you are sick, look your symptoms up on or some other website. Even if you are planning to see a doctor about your sickness, it's still a good idea to go into the office prepared. Many times doctors and nurses don't really listen well. I'm not exactly sure why this is, I mean you'd think they would realize that we are more familiar with our bodies than they are, but whatever. However, just like with dealers, if you show you are informed and prepared they are more likely to take what you say seriously. That said, if your regular doctor (not just a walk-in clinic or ER doctor) isn't listening to what you have to say, find a new one.
Don't assume that your doctor is telling you the entire truth either. Not to say that your doctor would lie to you (although some might), but I have found that often doctors and nurses will simply withhold information - whether that's because they think we mere mortals can't understand or can't handle it remains to be seen. But I have seen many cases where doctors will withhold information about the risks involved in a procedure or deny their patients information about alternative treatment options (like massage or physical therapy). This is unacceptably bad medicine. The reasons for this lead into the "agenda" part of buying a car. Many doctors push certain surgeries or procedures or medications because...they make money on them! They say money makes the world go round and in the medical world this is definitely the case. Sad but true.
All of this is why it is so important place the responsibility for your own health firmly in your own hands. No one else's.
You have a right to demand proper healthcare and treatment. Your doctor is there to help and serve you. You are actually paying them to do that you know. If they aren't doing that, get another doctor. Once again, your doctor should be listening to you. They are there for you, not the other way around.
I have a good friend whom some of you may know that was diagnosed with Crohn's disease several years ago. Through the long process of testing trying to come up with that diagnosis my friend did some of his own research. He found that with all of his symptoms he could only have one of two things, one of which was Crohn's. He went to his doctor and told him what he had found. His doctor ignored him. It was some time before they finally came to that diagnosis and in that time my friend got incredibly sick and was almost permanently damaged because of his doctor's inability to listen. I give my friend props for taking the time to do his own research. What he didn't realize was that he had a right to demand that test of his doctor.
I have seen so many of my friends and clients (especially younger people and the elderly) be put off by their doctor because they didn't have the cajones to stand up for what they needed or felt was right. They allowed the authority supposedly inherent in the title "doctor" to keep them from proper care. If your car dealer said "I know you really want a red car but trust me, blue is really much better" and on and on, and then went and drew up the papers to sign, would you? Would you buy a blue car when what you really wanted was a red one? Doctors do the same thing to their patients all the time and people just go with it. DON'T! Stop any of that right now. Your health is your responsibility! There are lots of doctors out there. If yours isn't doing what you need or want then keep searching until you find one that will.
Do your research. Don't assume that you are getting the whole truth from your doctor or that they don't have an agenda. Stand up for yourself and your health. You only get one life (though I suppose some people might disagree with that). Make the most of it by taking care of your body. Do that by taking responsibility for your own health.
Now you know.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
What Every Body Needs - Part 1
So this will be the first of a series of posts addressing the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients essential to your health. Most people I've met have some idea of the vitamins or supplements they should be getting but very few know how much they should have or why they should have it. So today's essential nutrient is:
Vitamin D!
What is it and Where can I get it?
It is a fat-soluble vitamin which means that it is metabolized into the blood stream via consumed fat cells (yes, you do need fat in your diet). Besides being found in foods of animal origin the body is able to synthesize D3 from direct sunlight. The simplified process is that the sun hits the skin and breaks down cholesterol (yes, you do also need cholesterol in your diet) into Vitamin D. This is good news because Vitamin D is not in rich supply in any foods though it is often added to foods like milk. The top naturally occurring sources are sockeye salmon, swordfish, rainbow trout and other fatty fishes.
Why does it matter?
Vitamin D is essential for calcium and phosphorus absorption and helps regulate calcium metabolism. It is also necessary for bone growth and bone remodeling. So if you break a bone and want it to heal faster and stronger - take Vitamin D. It is also an important factor in cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function, and inflammation reduction. It works to lower insulin resistance which is the leading cause of heart disease. Research has also been done suggesting that Vitamin D can help with the prevention of colon, prostate and breast cancers and that it could play a role in the prevention and/or treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and more.
On the flip side Vitamin D deficiency is a big problem. It can cause bones to become thin, brittle or misshapen. It is the leading cause of rickets in children and osteoporosis and osteomalacia in adults. There is also research suggesting that Vitamin D deficiency increases the risks of multiple sclerosis and that deficiency during pregnancy can increase the risks of autism and schizophrenia in children.
Breastfeeding infants are at risk of Vitamin D deficiency as breast milk doesn't contain the enough of the vitamin unless the mother is taking supplements.
How much do I need?
The current Recommended Daily Value of Vitamin D for both children and adults is around 400 iu's. However scientists and researchers are recommending the FDA increase that to at least 1000 iu's a day and saying that as much as 4000 iu's is not harmful. Since most D3 supplements come in 1000 iu tablets if you take one a day you should be safe. Also 10-15 minutes a day of direct sunlight (no sunscreen) should be sufficient to meet your daily needs.
When people ask me where they should start when beginning to add supplements to their diet this is where I always point them. There is a reason that they are called "essential" vitamins and nutrients, but when you look at how big of an impact Vitamin D has on so many different functions of the body (and research is just scratching the surface) it's easy to make this one a priority.
And now you know
Vitamin D!
What is it and Where can I get it?
It is a fat-soluble vitamin which means that it is metabolized into the blood stream via consumed fat cells (yes, you do need fat in your diet). Besides being found in foods of animal origin the body is able to synthesize D3 from direct sunlight. The simplified process is that the sun hits the skin and breaks down cholesterol (yes, you do also need cholesterol in your diet) into Vitamin D. This is good news because Vitamin D is not in rich supply in any foods though it is often added to foods like milk. The top naturally occurring sources are sockeye salmon, swordfish, rainbow trout and other fatty fishes.
Why does it matter?
Vitamin D is essential for calcium and phosphorus absorption and helps regulate calcium metabolism. It is also necessary for bone growth and bone remodeling. So if you break a bone and want it to heal faster and stronger - take Vitamin D. It is also an important factor in cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function, and inflammation reduction. It works to lower insulin resistance which is the leading cause of heart disease. Research has also been done suggesting that Vitamin D can help with the prevention of colon, prostate and breast cancers and that it could play a role in the prevention and/or treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and more.
On the flip side Vitamin D deficiency is a big problem. It can cause bones to become thin, brittle or misshapen. It is the leading cause of rickets in children and osteoporosis and osteomalacia in adults. There is also research suggesting that Vitamin D deficiency increases the risks of multiple sclerosis and that deficiency during pregnancy can increase the risks of autism and schizophrenia in children.
Breastfeeding infants are at risk of Vitamin D deficiency as breast milk doesn't contain the enough of the vitamin unless the mother is taking supplements.
How much do I need?
The current Recommended Daily Value of Vitamin D for both children and adults is around 400 iu's. However scientists and researchers are recommending the FDA increase that to at least 1000 iu's a day and saying that as much as 4000 iu's is not harmful. Since most D3 supplements come in 1000 iu tablets if you take one a day you should be safe. Also 10-15 minutes a day of direct sunlight (no sunscreen) should be sufficient to meet your daily needs.
When people ask me where they should start when beginning to add supplements to their diet this is where I always point them. There is a reason that they are called "essential" vitamins and nutrients, but when you look at how big of an impact Vitamin D has on so many different functions of the body (and research is just scratching the surface) it's easy to make this one a priority.
And now you know
Friday, March 16, 2012
The Most Important Thing
So you may be thinking: of all the things in the world what is the Most Important Thing? Now there could arguably be many Most Important Things, but the one I want to talk about today is Water.
The human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water. Water is essential for survival. Without all your cells shrivel up and you die! Well, not exactly, but you do die. You can live for at least 40 days without food (I know, I've done it) but only 2 or 3 days without water. Normally about 20% of your water intake comes from food, but that still leaves a whole lot of water to consume. Most people agree that the average person needs to consume about 64 oz every day in order to stay properly hydrated. That means you need to be drinking at least 6 normal glasses of water a day. If your like me the easiest way to keep track is by drinking out of bottles - 2 1/2 20oz bottles is the minimum amount of water we should all be consuming everyday (and coffee, soda and alcohol don't count). Obviously if you are sweating or exerting yourself a lot, or if you are pregnant or nursing you need to be drinking more water. Some of this is just common sense.
So we all know that water is essential to life. But how many of us actually make sure that we are consuming 64 oz of water a day? Maybe if we were more aware of the many benefits of drinking water (and the consequences of not) we would do more of it. So here are the reasons to drink water.
Dehydration: can lead to malabsorption of nutrients, fatigue, headaches, weight gain, chronic constipation, memory loss, kidney malfunction and high cholesterol. Bet you didn't know that. Some of the symptoms are dark urine, dry skin, fatigue, thirst (obviously), but actually the first sign is hunger! Most of the time when you feel hungry you are actually thirsty so...
Drinking water can help you lose weight! If every time you feel hungry you just drink a glass of water you will only end up eating when your body actually needs food.
You can have fabulous skin! Some of you may not care about this, but if you are constantly fighting dry skin and are noticing wrinkles when you think they shouldn't be there...drink water! Water helps replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity. So instead of buying those expensive skin moisturizers drink water.
You will be more productive. Your brain is 90% water so staying properly hydrated will help you think better, be more alert and more concentrated
One of the primary causes of muscle cramps is dehydration so if you find yourself being woken up in the middle of the night with charlie horses drink water.
Water helps flush the toxins out of the body and maintains proper functioning in all of the body's systems. When your body is functioning efficiently you will feel more energetic and enjoy better overall health. For the same reasons water is the best way to combat jet lag! You lose about 8oz of water every hour you are on a plane! That means if you drink a glass of water every hour you are only replacing what you lost. So drink twice as much water when you fly and you will feel so much better.
I could go on and on and on and on but I won't. Hopefully this will encourage you to drink more water and live healthier. I know I am about to take a big swig out of my own bottle in just a moment. So feel better, have better skin, combat jet lag, be more productive and lost weight! Drink water!
And now you know!
The human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water. Water is essential for survival. Without all your cells shrivel up and you die! Well, not exactly, but you do die. You can live for at least 40 days without food (I know, I've done it) but only 2 or 3 days without water. Normally about 20% of your water intake comes from food, but that still leaves a whole lot of water to consume. Most people agree that the average person needs to consume about 64 oz every day in order to stay properly hydrated. That means you need to be drinking at least 6 normal glasses of water a day. If your like me the easiest way to keep track is by drinking out of bottles - 2 1/2 20oz bottles is the minimum amount of water we should all be consuming everyday (and coffee, soda and alcohol don't count). Obviously if you are sweating or exerting yourself a lot, or if you are pregnant or nursing you need to be drinking more water. Some of this is just common sense.
So we all know that water is essential to life. But how many of us actually make sure that we are consuming 64 oz of water a day? Maybe if we were more aware of the many benefits of drinking water (and the consequences of not) we would do more of it. So here are the reasons to drink water.
Dehydration: can lead to malabsorption of nutrients, fatigue, headaches, weight gain, chronic constipation, memory loss, kidney malfunction and high cholesterol. Bet you didn't know that. Some of the symptoms are dark urine, dry skin, fatigue, thirst (obviously), but actually the first sign is hunger! Most of the time when you feel hungry you are actually thirsty so...
Drinking water can help you lose weight! If every time you feel hungry you just drink a glass of water you will only end up eating when your body actually needs food.
You can have fabulous skin! Some of you may not care about this, but if you are constantly fighting dry skin and are noticing wrinkles when you think they shouldn't be there...drink water! Water helps replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity. So instead of buying those expensive skin moisturizers drink water.
You will be more productive. Your brain is 90% water so staying properly hydrated will help you think better, be more alert and more concentrated
One of the primary causes of muscle cramps is dehydration so if you find yourself being woken up in the middle of the night with charlie horses drink water.
Water helps flush the toxins out of the body and maintains proper functioning in all of the body's systems. When your body is functioning efficiently you will feel more energetic and enjoy better overall health. For the same reasons water is the best way to combat jet lag! You lose about 8oz of water every hour you are on a plane! That means if you drink a glass of water every hour you are only replacing what you lost. So drink twice as much water when you fly and you will feel so much better.
I could go on and on and on and on but I won't. Hopefully this will encourage you to drink more water and live healthier. I know I am about to take a big swig out of my own bottle in just a moment. So feel better, have better skin, combat jet lag, be more productive and lost weight! Drink water!
And now you know!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The Vaccine Controversy
So if you are a parent you know all about the controversy over childhood vaccines. If you aren't you may not really know or care at this point in your life, but like I said before: knowledge is power.
The big debate over vaccines in general (especially ones for children) are the harmful side-effects that may or may not occur and of course their overall effectiveness. One of the most controversial aspects regarding vaccines is the preservative called thimerosal. It is used in vaccines that are mass-produced in large doses (in vials that can be used for several different patients), or vaccines that contain several different viruses (such as measles, mumps and rubella: MMR).
Thimerosal itself is can be harmful when inhaled, injested or when the skin is exposed. Evidently it is not harmful when it is injected into the body. Not really sure why. The body breaks thimerosal down into two parts: ethylmercury and thiosalicylate. Hopefully you all recognize the "mercury" in the ethylmercury and thus the controversy. Now generally mercury exposure comes from methylmercury, an organic, more readily absorbed form of mercury. It crosses the blood-brain and placental barriers. High levels can lead to neurological damage, organ damage, autoimmune diseases and all kinds of other things.
Tests have been done and have shown that ethylmercury is eliminated through waste more readily and so is not dispersed throughout the body doing the kind of damage methylmercury does. However, high doses of even ethylmercury over a period of time would have the same effects as methylmercury.
When the FDA, CDC and all those other acronymic organizations realized the possible harmful effects of ethylmercury they began to eliminate it from all childhood vaccines. Now I am not sure if that means that no childhood vaccines have thimerosal or that they just give you the option now. You at least have the option. However, thimerosal has not been eliminated from adult vaccines such as influenza--probably one of the most commonly administered vaccines.
The government has done numerous studies and says at the very best that there is no conclusive proof that thimerosal is harmful to children and that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh any possible unproven harmful effects. I'm not sure as a parent that I would be willing to take that risk, but ok. There have been numerous studies done on the other side of the coin showing that there are very suspicious correlations between rising numbers in children with autism and the increase in the number of vaccines recommended to children under the age of 2.
The government has said that the recommended limit of mercury exposure for children is not being exceeded by the accumulated amount of mercury in childhood vaccines. To me this means that for most children the vaccines will not be a problem. Their little bodies will be able to eliminate the harmful substance from their bodies quickly and their will be no negative effects. However there have been studies showing that some infants due to either a genetic or development factor are unable to eliminate the mercury from their bodies. This is obviously a problem. How do you know if your child has this developmental issue? Is there some test your pediatrician can do? Probably not.
The statistics linking autism and mercury poisoning are fairly astounding. As of yet there is no proof. I won't pretend there is. And as with all things I am sure there is more than one cause for some of these developmental issues that are running rampant in our children. But how easy is it to just ask your child's doctor for a mercury-free vaccine and save yourself the worry?
It's hard to know who to believe. This is the battle I was talking about last time. I usually think that the government and big business are not the most reliable sources for truth. They tend to have agendas that are very important to them and have a long history of withholding information to the detriment of the public whenever it suits them. But whether thimerosal is harmful or not, whether it causes autism or not we do know that mercury is not good for you, infant or adult. Generally I think that the more bad stuff we can keep out of our bodies and the more good things we can put in them, the better. This might just be another good opportunity to put that into practice.
And now you know.
The big debate over vaccines in general (especially ones for children) are the harmful side-effects that may or may not occur and of course their overall effectiveness. One of the most controversial aspects regarding vaccines is the preservative called thimerosal. It is used in vaccines that are mass-produced in large doses (in vials that can be used for several different patients), or vaccines that contain several different viruses (such as measles, mumps and rubella: MMR).
Thimerosal itself is can be harmful when inhaled, injested or when the skin is exposed. Evidently it is not harmful when it is injected into the body. Not really sure why. The body breaks thimerosal down into two parts: ethylmercury and thiosalicylate. Hopefully you all recognize the "mercury" in the ethylmercury and thus the controversy. Now generally mercury exposure comes from methylmercury, an organic, more readily absorbed form of mercury. It crosses the blood-brain and placental barriers. High levels can lead to neurological damage, organ damage, autoimmune diseases and all kinds of other things.
Tests have been done and have shown that ethylmercury is eliminated through waste more readily and so is not dispersed throughout the body doing the kind of damage methylmercury does. However, high doses of even ethylmercury over a period of time would have the same effects as methylmercury.
When the FDA, CDC and all those other acronymic organizations realized the possible harmful effects of ethylmercury they began to eliminate it from all childhood vaccines. Now I am not sure if that means that no childhood vaccines have thimerosal or that they just give you the option now. You at least have the option. However, thimerosal has not been eliminated from adult vaccines such as influenza--probably one of the most commonly administered vaccines.
The government has done numerous studies and says at the very best that there is no conclusive proof that thimerosal is harmful to children and that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh any possible unproven harmful effects. I'm not sure as a parent that I would be willing to take that risk, but ok. There have been numerous studies done on the other side of the coin showing that there are very suspicious correlations between rising numbers in children with autism and the increase in the number of vaccines recommended to children under the age of 2.
The government has said that the recommended limit of mercury exposure for children is not being exceeded by the accumulated amount of mercury in childhood vaccines. To me this means that for most children the vaccines will not be a problem. Their little bodies will be able to eliminate the harmful substance from their bodies quickly and their will be no negative effects. However there have been studies showing that some infants due to either a genetic or development factor are unable to eliminate the mercury from their bodies. This is obviously a problem. How do you know if your child has this developmental issue? Is there some test your pediatrician can do? Probably not.
The statistics linking autism and mercury poisoning are fairly astounding. As of yet there is no proof. I won't pretend there is. And as with all things I am sure there is more than one cause for some of these developmental issues that are running rampant in our children. But how easy is it to just ask your child's doctor for a mercury-free vaccine and save yourself the worry?
It's hard to know who to believe. This is the battle I was talking about last time. I usually think that the government and big business are not the most reliable sources for truth. They tend to have agendas that are very important to them and have a long history of withholding information to the detriment of the public whenever it suits them. But whether thimerosal is harmful or not, whether it causes autism or not we do know that mercury is not good for you, infant or adult. Generally I think that the more bad stuff we can keep out of our bodies and the more good things we can put in them, the better. This might just be another good opportunity to put that into practice.
And now you know.
Back to the 80's
So I am definitely a child of the 80's and proud to be so. Even though I was not very big I have some very fond memories of some classic 80's pop-culture: jelly shoes, massive amounts of hairspray, the birth of MTV and of course those fabulous Saturday morning cartoons. Who can forget the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Or how about He-Man and She-Ra? Or the Thundercats? One of my personal favorites was Jem a show in which several young girls transform into world-saving rock-stars by pressing their star shaped earrings. I mean, who couldn't love that?!
But regardless of whether or not you happened to watch Saturday morning cartoons you are probably familiar with PSA's. Now I don't know if they started doing them in the 80's or that's just when they became really popular but they were all over the television sets. So much so that some of those fabulous Saturday morning cartoons started adding them to the ends of their episodes. Two of the ones I can remember the most were Captain Planet and G.I. Joe. Captain Planet's were always good and usually about protecting the environment in some way, but G.I. Joe's were the best because of their slogan: Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
Hence the tie-in to 80's cartoons. I decided to borrow G.I. Joe's brilliant line because that is exactly what I think our lives here in this current world are all about. It is a battle trying to find the information that you need, the information you can trust, the information that other people may not want you to have, the knowledge that will protect you and your loved ones. How do you begin to even sift through the vast amount of information that is available on the internet? How do you know that you can even trust it once you find it? Can we really kid ourselves that we don't fight a battle in some way every single day when it comes to information?
I have faced this battle over and over again. The battle for knowledge. Luckily I am really obsessive at times and when I get something into my head I can't let it go until I figure it out. But I know a lot of people out there are discouraged. That is why I am starting this blog. I know in reality I am just adding one more site to the list of thousands (probably millions) that need to be sifted through, but I find myself sharing information all the time with my friends and family and co-workers and sometimes even perfect strangers. People are either intrigued, grateful, astounded or annoyed with the information I share, but thankfully it's not often annoyed, and mostly I think it's stuff that people are really glad they found out.
So I am going to be expanding my individual conversations to a blog format. I will probably be sharing a lot of information from the arena of alternative health. Since I am a massage therapist I feel pretty strongly about the importance of people taking charge of their own health and maybe this will help more people to do that. There could also be anything from politics to current events to philosophical conversations to at-home-tips, diy's and recipes on here--it just depends on my mood.
Hopefully the people who have benefited from those conversations in the past will find this a resource and invite their friends and family and co-workers and strangers to utilize this as a weapon in their battle for knowledge. Knowing is only half the battle, but I think it probably the most important half.
Remember: Knowledge is Power!
But regardless of whether or not you happened to watch Saturday morning cartoons you are probably familiar with PSA's. Now I don't know if they started doing them in the 80's or that's just when they became really popular but they were all over the television sets. So much so that some of those fabulous Saturday morning cartoons started adding them to the ends of their episodes. Two of the ones I can remember the most were Captain Planet and G.I. Joe. Captain Planet's were always good and usually about protecting the environment in some way, but G.I. Joe's were the best because of their slogan: Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
Hence the tie-in to 80's cartoons. I decided to borrow G.I. Joe's brilliant line because that is exactly what I think our lives here in this current world are all about. It is a battle trying to find the information that you need, the information you can trust, the information that other people may not want you to have, the knowledge that will protect you and your loved ones. How do you begin to even sift through the vast amount of information that is available on the internet? How do you know that you can even trust it once you find it? Can we really kid ourselves that we don't fight a battle in some way every single day when it comes to information?
I have faced this battle over and over again. The battle for knowledge. Luckily I am really obsessive at times and when I get something into my head I can't let it go until I figure it out. But I know a lot of people out there are discouraged. That is why I am starting this blog. I know in reality I am just adding one more site to the list of thousands (probably millions) that need to be sifted through, but I find myself sharing information all the time with my friends and family and co-workers and sometimes even perfect strangers. People are either intrigued, grateful, astounded or annoyed with the information I share, but thankfully it's not often annoyed, and mostly I think it's stuff that people are really glad they found out.
So I am going to be expanding my individual conversations to a blog format. I will probably be sharing a lot of information from the arena of alternative health. Since I am a massage therapist I feel pretty strongly about the importance of people taking charge of their own health and maybe this will help more people to do that. There could also be anything from politics to current events to philosophical conversations to at-home-tips, diy's and recipes on here--it just depends on my mood.
Hopefully the people who have benefited from those conversations in the past will find this a resource and invite their friends and family and co-workers and strangers to utilize this as a weapon in their battle for knowledge. Knowing is only half the battle, but I think it probably the most important half.
Remember: Knowledge is Power!
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